Member-only story
December 29, is our ‘blogiversary’ — we set up this shop on December 29, 2005 from the attic of our home. 14 years later, we’ve been promoted to the sofa in the living room. Click here to see our first seven years archive in its original format thanks to the magic of html.
My first five posts were a test, a little introduction to the blogosphere, a shout-out for OUTrageous Bingo, an announcement about radio talk host John McIntire, and the birth of our eldest nibling on December 30, 2005.
Other interesting things have happened along the way. In no particular order:
- I’m very proud of the #AMPLIFY LGBTQ archive — now boasting 313 contributions and still ready to accept yours.
- We’ve had some amazing guest bloggers over the past 14 years. Heather Arnet, Kevin Acklin, Jeanne Clark, Tiffany Harkelrod, Maria Lupinacci, David DeAngelo, Bram Reichbaum, Billy Hileman, Cindy Shaffer, John Chamberlin, Becky Willis, Tereneh Idia, Joe Wos, Jason Togyer, Christopher Whitlatch, Rayden Sorock, E! The Dragnificent, Anne Lynch, Mark S. King, and other wonderful folks. Here are some of their contributions.
- Being invited by Most Wanted Fine Art to be a blogging artist in residence was life-changing for me on multiple levels. Aside from Ledcat, no one has ever believed…